Monday, February 2, 2009

In the beginning, there were only seven push-ups

This is my first day of tracking all things good and healthy that I undertake. I am going to start out to see how disciplined I can be regarding documenting what I eat, how much I exercise, etc. We'll see how it goes.

I got up early this morning so that I could actually make myself breakfast and pack my lunch. I was so proud of myself. This saved €6.50 I would have otherwise spent on a daily cupcake and a salad. Most likely, I would have also broken down in the afternoon and purchased a Twix, another €.70. At the end of the month, I will be flipping the money I have saved into another "envelope" where I can spend the money in ways that are more fun.

Major fail. I set the alarm to go off at 6AM, but didn't get out of bed until 6:30. I took a shower, and got back into bed until 7. Writing did not happen, but I did look up the nutritional value of a PBJ sandwich. People say this thing is healthy, but I am not so sure.

-I listened to a Bloomberg podcasts on the way into work, this one was about the Motley Fools new book coming out, Something Something Millionaire. Waste of my time. Learned nothing new.
-I read an article on portrait photography

Spinach omelette, contains approx. 75g of frozen spinach, 3 egg whites, 1 med. chopped tomato, seeds removed, and a pat of butter. I also had a small glass of juice, and 2 cups of coffee. The coffee, I probably could have lived without, but it made me happy. Besides, I have read that coffee helps your brain fire better when you get old. Who knows.

-1 orange. This was supposed to be a blood orange, but it was just a regular old orange orange. I was somewhat irritated at this discovery, since I paid extra for it to be red inside.
-3 cups of tea

Chicken salad, maybe 300 grams. Good stuff.

Piece of Focaccia bread
3 small fruity breath mints
0,7 liter water

Apparently my German class turned off all of the discipline in my brain, because when I got home I ate: a bowl of Fruit Loops with milk, a Twix bar, half a dozen crackers with Gouda cheese, and half a bag of potato chips. Then I went to bed.

I am not going tonight, since it is my first German class, which will keep me occupied past when my gym closes.

I took an afternoon break and walked around the corner to the market, since I would not get home until after the market closer to my house would be closed. What kind of supermarket carries neither jelly/jam/marmalade nor peanut butter? Germans!

I did, though, do seven push-ups as the initial effort in satisfying the 100 push-up challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Dude... what is with the grams/liters? Your German talk confuses my American brain.
